Idk why tf I chose that as the title of this post but I'm not fully awake yet so we're going with it... anyways
It's my birthday!
I am now a healthy 23 years old. What a number! A lot has changed over the past few years, but I'm optimistic that these next few are gonna be some really good ones.
What will the future hold?
My 22nd year was one of growth and change; learning to better myself after a time of loss. So, 23 is when I'll take it all to the next level and really use the things I've learned! I intend to deep dive into art and continue to improve, the progress of which I will certainly share on this blessed site.
I'd also love to get to know some of you all a little better! I've met a lot of really cool people through newgrounds, so I'd love to have the chance to build those friendships even more this year.
Let's not forget about the clowns!
The Crazy Clown Collab has been thriving so far, with dozens of submissions by many talented artists! This is my first collab I've ever organized, so I wasn't sure how many people would take to the idea, but a lot of folks seem to really like the concept! I look forward to compiling it all come March 25th.
And that's about everything I can think to say right now! Thanks to everyone who's supported me so far, and thanks to everyone who's taking part in my first ever collab! Here's to another year on the silly little orb we call home.
Love yall,
happy birthday.